It has been around a year since I started this blog. I started it to commit to practice writing. It has been a long time since my last post and it started to feel like yet another abandonded document/project/idea/etc. I have a set of notes about technical things that I can write about, but none of them make their way to become a blog post. I guess mainly because I want to write a complete and high quality post out of each topic, and it requires lots of effort to make them perfect, and I am a master procrastinator. I usually start things with passion, but like everything that results in a worthy output, there are hard and grunt work on the way. I have seen that if I get bored by that project even a bit, I might not take it to the finish line. This is not very surprising and I guess everyone experiences that. But I think it helps to remind myself and keep in mind that a rewarding output needs putting effort even in the times that the boredom level of the work rises. I never forget an advice from my Computer Programming teacher in school, which he wrote on one of my homeworks. I had done a sloppy job on that homework. This is kind of an excerpt of it: Know that struggling through debugging and the frustration is inevitable, but the perseverance in passing through, is what makes a good programmer. And if you keep that up, you are one of the top programmers in the school.

This post to revive the practice of writing and keeping the habit alive. I have started a lot projects and learned a lot through doing them, yet I often don’t finish them, and because of that, I don’t have much of a portfolio of results. Like a shallow ocean. Doing a PhD forced me to produce something. Because there you cannot not finish what you have started. Even in PhD I liked the experience of learning how to do research and acquiring skills and learning how to approach problems, more than deadlines to finish the projects. I have started reading Adam Savage’s book. He inspires me in this path. He has a series of videos where he builds something in one day. Which means that he starts something and focuses on that thing only, and takes it to the finish line. My resolution is to move toward producing things out of each project. It is not a new year’s resolution. I had set it as my general resolution (not to be confused with the general resolution proof system :P). One might say that writing blog posts frequently does not have a finish line and a final product. It is about making a habit to practice and learn more. So, let’s go for writing habit and finishing things.