Hello World
I always wanted to start a blog, share some notes (personal or technical) and practice writing. But I wasn’t sure what is the best way to start and more importantly, I could not commit to it! Once in a while I find an old document that I started to practice writing. I hope this is not yet another end of a beginning, like those old documents. This is the first time I am putting them in public.
After searching a bit for ways to maintatin a blog, I decided to start it simple, using
Jekyll and github pages. For now, using the basic layouts and a supported
theme. So far, so good. I might write about the process sometime later.
(Update in 2022): I used to use a separate repo for a blog and was using Jekyll + hacker theme, but now I’ve merged my personal webpages and blog into one repo and I’m using al-folio theme.
I want to write both in Farsi and English. But I haven’t decided whether I should put them into two separate blogs. Let’s see what happens.
Hello World again and see you soon!