Saeed Nejati
Applied Scientist @ Amazon Web Services

Currently I am with AWS as an applied scientist, working in the automated reasoning domain. Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Waterloo. I got my PhD in Computer Engineering from University of Waterloo working with professors Vijay Ganesh and Catherine Gebotys on parallel SAT-based Cryptanalysis. I got my Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from Shahid Beheshti University with professor Ghassem Jaberipur on Redundant number systems.
My main experiences and broad research interests are in SAT solvers, Cryptography, High Performance Computing, Software Verification, and Computer Arithmetic.
I was born in Tehran, Iran, and now living in Seattle, US. My name, Saeed, in native script is written like: سعید and is pronounced like [s@ i:d] in IPA ASCII phonetics. My last name is also read as [ne dZa:ti]. I infrequently write blog posts here.
Jul 15, 2021 | We won the Parallel track of SAT competition 2021. |
Nov 23, 2020 | Started working at AWS as an applied scientist. |
Apr 3, 2020 |
Done with my PhD defense! ![]() |